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Residential at Sidestrand Hall

  Welcome to Residential

We are proud to offer a residential provision at Sidestrand Hall School.

The residential provision caters for up to 26 pupils nightly from Monday to Thursday term time only.

The residential accommodation is split into five separate houses. Poppyland, Barclay Court, Nelson’s Nest and Flat One are situated within the beautiful old hall and the fifth, Clement Lodge, is in a stand alone house overlooking the stunning Norfolk coastline.

Children and young people can board between 1-4 nights depending on identified need and the level of support that is required. We support children and young people’s development in emotional well being and independence skills through a 24hr curriculum. Our aim is to nurture, promote independence and offer new and fulfilling experiences for pupils  helping them to achieve beyond expectations.

You can view our Statement of Purpose:Residential Statement of Purpose Sept 2024.  This is also available in a child friendly version: Child friendly Statement of purpose and a symbol version:  Statement of Purpose (symbol version)

Children’s Voice

Sidestrand Hall recognises that the wishes, preferences and feelings of  young people are key to an effective residential provision.

We value the wishes of our young people and help manage their lives through key worker meetings and group meetings. We also have a representative on the school council.

Each young person is assigned a key worker who acts as the children’s voice. Once every half term the young person has a formal meeting with their keyworker to talk about how they feel and discuss particular activities they would like to do. They look at and plan their individual targets in line with their EHCPs to help manage their individual development.

We also have an independent listener who visits the children once a month. They have the opportunity to talk to them about any issues or concerns they may have. Posters for the independent listener are displayed throughout the houses so that children can contact them if they want to.

Our Accommodation

The five separate houses each have a kitchen, lounge and individual bedrooms. The houses are comfortable and welcoming, aiming to create a home from home living environment  where children shop and prepare their own meals with staff support. Children are encouraged to cook and eat well balanced nutritious meals through the eat well plate, and are supported to try new foods and recipes. Identified special dietary requirements are catered for.

Each house has its own lounge which is a relaxed comfortable environment. Children can engage in a wide range of activities including Xbox, art and crafts, board games, reading, supervised computer time or watch a film. There is also a pool table.

Each child and young person has their own bedroom which they can personalise with posters, pictures and photos of family and pets. We want the children to feel like their bedroom is their own so that they are comfortable and relaxed to aid a good night’s sleep.


Boys, year groups 7-12
Up to 5 boarders per night

Barclay Court

Boys, year groups 5 to 11
up to 4 boarders per night

Nelson's Nest

Girls –  year groups 5 to 11
4 boarders per night

Flat One

Mixed, Sixth Form pupils
Boys, Mon and Tues/Girls, Wed and Thu
Up to 2 boarders per night

Clement Lodge

Mixed, year groups 5 to 12
Children with a diagnosis of autism
Up to 6 boarders per night

   Meet the Team

The Residential Manager holds a diploma level 5 in social care

The RCCOS (Residential Childcare Officers) are trained or training towards Diploma level 3 in residential care or equivalent.

All staff are trained in current safeguarding and child protection legislation including keeping children safe in education.

Residential Managers

Simon White
Residential Manager

Simon Yockney
Residential Manager


Tracey Gooch
Deputy Residential Manager

Jess Fradley
Senior RCCO

Residential Staff

Yolande Downes

Michelle Reynolds

Mark Baxter

Antonia Rayner

Naomi Sadler

Helena West

Stuart Row

Sue Saunders

Kerren Reall
Waking Night

Melanie Osbourne
Waking Night


“I like boarding because I make new friends” -pupil

“What I like about boarding is you can clean cars and you can walk in the woods.” pupil

I really like boarding I have 2 things, I really like going to the library and I really like going to Holt Country Park.” -pupil

“I like boarding because you can learn to do new things and go out to new places.” – pupil

“Absolutely brilliant. We are so grateful and so happy with the school’s residential. It has helped us so much as a family”  parent

“He loves attending residential, its a really positive experience for him. He looks forward to his night away and is gaining confidence and independence. This has been a blessing for us as a family”  parent

“Its great to see him so happy and enjoying boarding”  parent

ASDAN Exploring Aspirations

(please click the Asdan Logo below for more information)

As part of continuing growth and development our curriculum focus is on developing independence and social skills.

We evidence this through the ASDAN “Exploring Aspirations”

The Exploring Aspirations course aims to better prepare young people for the next stage in their education and for good life outcomes.

The Exploring Aspirations activities support the delivery of PSHE, Citizenship and Careers Education and are mapped to the four Preparing for Adulthood pathways:

  • friends, relationships and community
  • employment
  • good health
  • independent living

Example of an evening in residential

  • 3.00 pm- Children/young people collected from school by the care team
  • Get changed and have snack
  • House meeting with young people to discuss what is happening that evening.
  • Asdan work / Reading to staff
  • Freetime
  • Activity (food shopping, Riding bikes, Games on the field etc)
  • Cook dinner
  • Dinner
  • Free time
  • Activity (Games console, board games, art and craft etc)
  • Bedtime routine (Staggered depending on age)
  • Bedtimes (staggered depending on age)
  • 9.30 pm- Latest bedtime depending on age.


A key element to the residential experience is the opportunity for positive activities that help with learning, development, socialisation skills, new experiences, being part of a group and having fun. Cooking, art and craft, sports, pool, access to the music room and riding bikes. We also provide whole group experiences to bring residents together.

To develop cultural awareness we hold theme evenings each term where activities are provided to acknowledge that particular theme. This has included music and life through the decades, countries around the world, religions of the world and national celebrations such as St Patrick’s day. These prove extremely popular with the children. 

We have also had visits from the police, Wild Touch (animal  experience) and various classic cars. We have a dog that visits regularly which the children enjoy walking and playing with in the garden. We celebrate the end of terms with Christmas meals, and BBQs in the summer. 

We focus on accessing the community, we feel this is hugely important to the development of our young people. We go food shopping every week. We regularly access Cromer, make visits to Halsey House (a Royal Legion nursing home) local beaches, museums,  parks and woodlands. 

We facilitate trips to the cinema, swimming, the golf driving range, bowling and trampoline park. 

We have also visited the local fire station, police station and the Porsche garage alongside many other bespoke visits. 

Contact with home

Children have the opportunity to contact home via a phone call if they wish to. Staff regularly contact parents to discuss boarding. Parents/Carers receive a weekly daily record sheet to tell them what their child has done in residential that week.



If you are interested in your child being considered for a place in boarding please ask at reception for a referral form or alternatively contact Simon Yockney Residential Manager to request a form sent out or to find out further information

Suitability for a place will be accessed by the residential team considering the level of need in areas supporting improved independence, social needs and accessing the community.

Transitions into and from boarding are based on the individual need of the young person and their individual requirements to make the transition process as smooth and as positive  as possible.