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Sidestrand Hall School is committed to providing all students with high quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) regarding next step education and career plans.

We support our students in making well-informed decisions by providing access to differentiated impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of options (including academic, vocational, and apprenticeships) that are most likely to help them to achieve their ambitions.

Our careers programme aims to:
  • provide good quality independent careers advice to students which inspires students and motivates them to fulfil their potential;
  • provide personal advice and guidance which is in the best interests of, and meets the needs of, all students;
  • be based on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance;
  • contribute to the raising of student achievement by encouraging students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers;
  • provide opportunities to inspire students through real-life contact with further education and the world of work;
  • support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity;
  • provide opportunities for meaningful encounters with employees, employers, further and higher education and experience of workplaces;
Students will receive:
  • Careers-related lessons and activities which are both discrete and embedded within the curriculum. All subjects will incorporate transferable skills links to the world of work.
  • Access to careers and labour market information resources via a range of media and delivery channels
  • • One-to-one ‘Next Steps’ interviews providing individual rationalised support.
  • Support for decision making and deciding Post-16 options such as further education, apprenticeships or training.
  • A range of opportunities to meet further education and training providers and employers to understand the full range of Post-16 pathways including apprenticeships, traineeships and further education.


We are very keen to ensure that we deliver the best possible programme for our students and ensure that we evaluate our practice. In order to do this, we meet regularly to plan events and update resources as appropriate. The Careers programme is assessed regularly against the Gatsby Benchmarks through the Compass evaluation process.

Our CEIAG programme is structured around the guidance given by the Gatsby Benchmarks.  This constitutes a framework of 8 Benchmarks (Guidelines) that define the best careers provision in secondary schools.

Labour Market Information (LMI) provides you with understanding about what is happening in a labour market. LMI tends to focus on the industries that are growing and declining, the types and levels of jobs that are increasing and decreasing and what supply of labour is available – numbers, skill and qualification levels. Finding reliable information about the local and national labour market is vital to inform good-quality information about jobs and career paths. If students and their parents/carers know what pay you get for different jobs and where and how numerous the vacancies are, they are in a better position to make informed choices about future study and training.

Norfolk’s economy is growing. Sectors including agriculture, construction, hospitality, manufacturing, tourism and science are big business. The link below looks at the Labour Market Profile for Norfolk and provides further information about LMI.

Transport for students aged 16-25 years with an Education, Health and Care
(EHC) plan.  More information at –

Young people who have an EHC plan will be entitled to travel assistance to attend sixth form or college, if:

  • They are attending the nearest educational establishment that can meet their needs
  • The educational establishment is named in their EHC plan
  • They live over the qualifying three-mile distance

If your child has an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan there is no need to apply for travel assistance as the Travel Independence Training Team (TITAN) are already assessing who is entitled to travel assistance and if independent travel training might be appropriate for them – you will hear direct from one of the TITAN team soon.

All students are expected to undertake travel independence training, to enable them to use public transport, unless we assess them as unlikely to benefit from such training.

The team will work with students, parents/carers and other professionals.  travel training will take place over the summer holidays with a dedicated travel training ‘buddy’. Visit summer buddy service for more information.

We will keep you up-to-date with the progress of your application. All travel
assistance is provided subject to a financial contribution. This must be paid in
advance, unless the young person will be over 19 years old on 1 September.

Transport for students aged 16-25 years who are attending a special school
If your child will be continuing at a special school beyond the age of 16, travel
assistance will continue to be provided, subject to a review of needs and potential travel training.
You will need to pay the standard parental contribution