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Middle Phase

Communication and Interaction

Communicating and interacting with others in Middle Phase…

In Middle Phase, the aim is to provide pupils with the social and communication tools so they can become respectful, patient, and understanding young people who listen carefully to others. Equally, we foster pupils to become confident in expressing their ideas and developing an independent voice. We pride ourselves on offering young people the opportunities to hear and adopt different points of view and in turn…

Cognition and Learning

Learning in our Middle Phase Community…

Throughout Middle Phase, young people are exposed to a broader number of subjects and courses, which hone in on their interests and are adapted to various learning styles and interests. The Middle Phase, allows pupils to create many memorable learning experiences, which both challenge and develop and incredible sense of self-worth. We are proud of how well we know our pupils and the opportunities on offer in the middle phase, and recognise this a key phase in their development and that it is essential they drive lessons through an enquiry approach model.

Social and Emotional

How we emotionally mature in Middle Phase…

Within our broad curriculum, we look to encourage pupils to become more emotionally aware of themselves and others. The RSHE curriculum encourages pupils to recognise many states and potential responses when faced with change, uncertainty or social pressures. Middle phase offers a range of methods to help them and others regulate, manage situations and in turn successfully access their curriculum. Lessons are tailored to meet these needs and look to include role play scenarios and self evaluation, in order to ensure safe play and positive interactions with peers and staff in the Sidestrand community and beyond.

Sensory and Physical

How we interact with our Middle Phase surroundings

As we see in each phase, tutor groups quickly become a unified team that is proud of its learning space and utilise resources to create exciting learning experiences. Each class in middle phase is also encouraged to interact more broadly with the whole school environment and community. Transitioning away from the Lower Phase model, Middle Phase moves into specialist subjects, which exposes pupils to more challenging and varied settings on both a sensory and physical level. The outstanding and quite magical grounds at Sidestarnd Hall caters to pupils interests and allows them to create a physical confidence with the outside world that is quite unique in education.

 Teachers and Classes

Middle Phase Leader

Mrs. Claire Pateman

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