In Lower Phase we foster a range of communication skills depending on the needs of our students. Signalong is used alongside core boards for communication and these are included in our intervention offer along with Time to Talk and Listen and Respond strategies. Speech and Language Therapy is available to those who require support. At break times our staff interact with the children and encourage them to play together and explore imaginative play as well as more structured games.
Lower Phase
Communication and Interaction

Cognition and Learning

Learning is Primary based in lower school before beginning to transition to a more secondary style of education in Year 7. A full range of subjects are offered including Mathematics, Literacy, Science, ICT, History, Geography, Art, DT, Food technology, PE, RE, Outdoor Learning and RSHE. All learning is pitched at the cognitive level of the students and is adapted to suit the needs of each class. Children are challenged in their learning so they can reach their own personal potential. Read Write Inc is embedded in our curriculum to allow the children to develop their phonic knowledge and reading fluency. We follow the White Rose Maths Scheme.
Social and Emotional

All classes in Lower Phase use Zones of Regulation to support the children with understanding their feelings and emotions. Children are encouraged to share how they are feeling throughout the day and are given time to talk things through if they need to. This runs alongside our RSHE curriculum which is aimed at the developmental level of the children but delivered in a way that they will understand. We can access Thrive and have class targets to work on in our Tutor Time lessons. Social interactions are modelled and encouraged by staff.
Sensory and Physical

Sensory and physical activities play a key part in our phase. We offer a range of sensory circuits, sensory diet and movement based activities throughout the day in addition to weekly PE lessons. Some classes have the opportunity to access swimming lessons. We are able to use the school grounds and play equipment to further explore the sensory needs of our students.