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Chestnut Class Autumn Term Blog

What a busy half term Chestnut has had! Well done to Chestnut class for a great few months.

In Design Technology, we created our fantastic cars out of wood.

In target time, we have focused our work on developing our fine motor skills as well as strengthening emotional and communication skills. To achieve this, we have implemented a variety of activities.

In maths, we have been working very hard on addition and subtraction using various resources
and practicing a lot of mental maths.

In English, we have been reading “The Iron Man” and we have been working on
comprehension and description. We have also learnt grammar including when we use present and past simple tense as well as regular and irregular verbs.

In Topic, we had a special visit at school “Mr Churchill” .Chestnut students had the opportunity to ask Mr Churchill questions about WW2 and we really enjoyed having him at the school.  We have also been learning the key events in WW2, causes of WW2, children in the WW2 and women’s role in WW2.

We have also enjoyed our school trip to the Christmas Carol concert at Norwich Cathedral.

I hope you all enjoy a restful Christmas break!